By now you should have your own User Profile set up as well as a Boat Profile with perhaps a few crew members added or invited to your account. Congratulations, you are all set up and ready to use the system.
The first thing you will probably want to do is set up a Logbook so that you can start posting log entries and/or position reports. Follow these steps:
- Click on the menu header entitled "Logs" on your boat homepage;
- Click on the "+" symbol next to the "Logbooks" heading
- Enter in the Title of the new logbook you want to create. You can leave the "Order" field as-is.
- Note: The "Order" field is used to re-shuffle the order of logbooks later if you want. For example, you might want a "Maintenance Log" to always appear at the bottom of you list of logbooks so you could set its order to "-1".
- After you click submit you can choose to add Additional Logbook Fields for items such as Engine Hours, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, etc. For more information on this see the next section.
- Finally, to add a log entry simply click on the logbook which you want to add the entry to and then click the "+" symbol to the right of the logbook title (at the top-right of the page). A form will appear, enter the relevant information, click submit and you are done.