First some background: SvLogBook works on a system of creating Logbooks and then posting log-entries to these logbooks. This is a little different to a normal blog where blogs are posted in a very long list and it can be difficult to find old blog-posts. The idea with SvLogBook is that entries are posted and organised into Logbooks so that information can be easily retrieved, searched and displayed in the future. You will likely want to create a new logbook for each significant passage or section of coastal-cruising. Examples of logbooks would be:
Each logbook contains default basic fields which are: "Title", "Date/Time of post", and "Text". However it is also possible to add additional optional fields to create more complex logbooks. For example:
Any logbook which has a "PositionField" type field included in it will have those positions plotted on the GoogleMaps map on their boat homepage.
A similar approach is used for storing Photos. First a Photo Album must be created and then photos are added to that album just the same way Log-entries are added to Logbooks.
Photos may then be linked to Log-entries so that photos may be used to compliment and illustrate a log-entry.